Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Family: Chapter 63

That police officer began to ride by me while I was waiting for the bus everyday. He came into the Bev regularly so we already knew each other. One morning, he stopped and talked to me until my bus came. After a few weeks of doing this, he asked me if I would like a ride to work. I figure I could trust him, he was a police officer, after all. He looked to be in his late 30’s maybe early 40’s and was divorced. 

After a while my police officer friend began to pick me up at the apartment. One day, he told me he would be back to take me home after I got off from work. I said ok, but that day I got off work early so I asked my boss to tell the police officer I went home and I would see him tomorrow.  Well, the next day he wasn’t at the apartment nor was he at the bus stop. He finally showed up at the Bev. I was in the kitchen where he barged in to yell at me for standing him up. I told him I thought we were just friends and hadn’t known it was a date. He told me he didn’t want to be any friend of mine and walked out. Right in front of everybody I worked with which included my boss. I refused to pay him any attention after that until Jane began to work for the Beverly and they started to date - they were closer in age. I never told her about that incident. She had asked if I knew him and I told her I did that he had been coming on the curb since I’ve worked there. I always thought he was a very nice person, however, he never spoke to me again. He still came on the curb but someone else would wait on him and get his coffee. 

Much later when I was getting married, I asked Jane to be my maid of honor and since she was still dating the police officer, I let him decorate our car for the wedding. His brother was also a police officer and he would often stop at the Bev and talk with me, he had a wife that also would stop by. Now, I realize they were looking me over, because his brother once said to me that he told the police officer I was too young for him.

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